Saturday, March 27, 2010

"He's Coming for a Pure Bride"

Hello! :)

So, I tried blogging once and it didn't stick very long, but I want to get in the habit of doing it again. The Lord has been growing me and teaching me a lot this year and I want to share what He has been teaching me and what I have struggled with so that others may be encouraged and learn from my mistakes. Here goes my first post! :)

As you probably noticed, I've chosen for my blog name to be "Pure Bride--Psalm 24:3-5". The reason behind comes from two things. The first one is Leeland's song "Pure Bride". The lyrics say:

He's coming for a pure bride
He's coming for a pure bride
See Him riding in the skies
See the fire inside His eyes
Through the darkness His light will shine
In His glory He's lifted high
He's coming for a pure bride

The Lord is coming for His bride
Make way for the Lord
He's clothing all his children in white
Make way for the Lord

What are you doing
When no one is watching?
What are you doing?

Children, get your hearts right
God's coming for a pure bride
Children, get your hearts right

God has used these lyrics to both encourage and convict me. College has brought about many opportunities to make my own decisions and often times those decisions are made "when no one is watching". I might be able to get away with doing something that I know I shouldn't without anyone on this earth knowing...but God knows! He sees everything! And God is coming for a "pure bride"! He is coming back someday and I don't know when that day will be. But I do know that when it comes I want to be a "pure bride".

The second part of my blog name is Psalm 24:3-5. These verses say:

"(3) Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD?
And who shall stand in his holy place?
(4) He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not lift up his soul to what is false
and does not swear deceitfully.
(5) He will receive blessing from the LORD
and righteousness from the God of his salvation."
[English Standard Version]

I want this to be true of me! I want to have "clean hands and a pure heart"! I don't want to "lift up [my] soul to what is false"! I want to be pure in every way!!

So these are my reasons for choosing the name that I did. And I want this blog to be used to encourage others, share the mistakes that I make and what I learn from them, hold me accountable to God's high standards, share what God is teaching me, put God's goodness on display, and ultimately give the glory to Him who created me and who I was made to glorify! Thank you for reading! :)


  1. Hey Katie! I love your blogpost, very encouraging and convicting as well. Love you girl. I also have a hard time blogging, ( but am trying to be better about it. Just know that people ARE reading and care what you have to say! Love you girl and I'm now a follower. ;)

  2. HANNAH!! Oh my word! It's so good to hear from you and I'm so excited to know that you're following me! :) I will most definitely be following you now too! Glad to know that people still blog! I really do love it and I'm going to try to keep up! Love you too girl!
